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Powerful on-premise office suites that enable you to access documents, author new content and work collaboratively.

Why is this useful for offline or underserved communities?

Communities can create and collaboratively edit documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and more! Much of what one can do with MS Office can also be done with Collabora, but offline.

Basic Info

Core Features

Collabora Office Apps Writer

Supports: .odt, .docx, .doc, .docm, .rtf

Provides a true WYSIWYG editing experience, making visualising your document layout incredibly easy.
Excellent interoperability – view and edit all your office documents without losing features.
Format and style your pages with endless options.


Supports: .ods, .xlsx, .xls, .xlsm, .csv

Benefit from advanced formulas, pivot tables, HTML formula input, conditional formatting and data validation.
Create giant spreadsheets with up to 16k columns, add charts, sparklines and hyperlinks.
Powerful multi-column sort and filter.


Supports: .odp, .pptx, .ppt

Easily design attractive master slides, add text, images, tables and SmartArt.
Insert speaker notes, custom timings and transitions to engage your audience.


Supports: .odg, .vsd

Draw shapes and diagrams, add text, charts, tables and links.
More user power with fields, FontWork and text rotation.
Export as an image or pdf to insert into your documents and presentations.

Universal Features Powerful Office Suite

View and edit text documents, spreadsheets, presentations & more.
Full range of powerful editing features.
Long Term Support and signed security updates.
Open Source, scalable, cost-effective.

Document Support

Experts in interoperability.
Preservation of layout and formatting of documents.
Text documents (odt, docx, doc,…)
Spreadsheets (ods, xlsx, xls, …)
Presentations (odp, pptx, ppt,…)

Customizable Integration

Integrate with existing infrastructures.
Multiple deployment options.
Customisable User Interface.
Admin console for monitoring system utilisation.
Tailored solutions possible.

Available on Desktop and Mobile

Desktop version available for Windows, Mac and Linux.
Online version available for on-the-go editing and collaboration.
Mobile Apps available for Android and iOS.


Additional Resources